Reusable Content
Liveclicker is an easy-to-use, intuitive platform. However, some tasks are frequently repeated across various element configurations. To streamline the creation process and accelerate the setup of new elements,Liveclicker allows you to reuse specific settings across multiple elements. This includes reusing elements from previous campaigns, as well as targeting rules."
Importing elements from existing campaigns
If you have previously configured elements in your Liveclicker environment that might be useful for this campaign, you can choose to import those into the current campaign. This speeds up the creation process of your campaign and allows for consistency across different campaigns.
You can import these elements during the creation process, or later, when configuring the campaign.
During the Campaign creation
1. Click on Import Existing Element and, in the dialog that pops up enter the search criteria to find the correct campaign and elements therein:
2. Select the elements (maximum 10) and click Add existing element. The selected elements are added to your campaign.
Note: Making changes to an imported element in a campaign, does not impact the original element.
In the Campaign configuration
1. Once your campaign has been created you can still add additional elements to it. To add these, click the + button at the top to access the list of available types and add them. Only element types that are not yet added to your campaign are listed:
2. In addition, from this drop-down you can also import an existing element from another campaign. Simply select the option Import an element from an existing campaign, search for the campaign and expand the results to retrieve the elements (max 10) you want to import:
Reusing targeting rules
When different elements in your campaign all require the same targeting rules to be applied, you can save time by re-using targeting rules that have already been configured for other elements in your campaign. Doing so also ensures consistency throughout the different elements of your campaign.
1. In your campaign configuration, in the Targeting Rules section, toggle the option Link Targeting and Testing to Another Element ON.
2. Choose the parent element from the drop-down.
All elements in the campaign with targeting rules configured are listed, with their element type and the ID (the ID of an element can be deducted from the embed code).
3. Once a parent element is selected, all parent versions are loaded and you need to map the versions of the current element to the different versions of the parent element. This is required because the targeting rules you are re-using have been set up using the different versions of the parent element, not the versions of the current element. To be able to apply the targeting rules to the current element, you need to define a mapping between the parent and the current versions.
4. Click Save Targeting Rules.
Note: The parent element displays a notification when a targeting rule set has been used in other elements, listing all the linked elements. If an AB test is performed in the rules set, the results will also apply to all the elements linked to this targeting rule set.
Important note: A/B test result and winner picking is based on clicks from the parent image. It does not take into account clicks from other linked elements.
A parent element can never be a child to another element.
A linked element can never be selected as a parent element. This is all to avoid endless loops of determining which rules should be used.